Gulfport Java Gems
Summertime coffee shops by the beach It might have been a concert that brought us finally to the beach, but boy was it a lovely weekend. My husband and I have never been to the beach together, as we prefer more forested and mountainous destinations, but we had a really great time away in Gulfport,…
Cometeer Coffee Review
A Morning Coffee Renaissance Is that…is that you? Gosh, I’m so sorry, but I think it’s been over a year now! My only excuses are moving down the river a couple hundred miles and planning a whole wedding happened, and that took about all the energy I had stored away. My coffee journey hasn’t ceased,…
Mountain View Brews: Coffee Shops to Visit
First Morning Magic My fiancé and I arrived at our cabin in Mountain View, AR late one evening, barely making time for dinner before flopping into bed (in our traveling clothes and all). The next morning I stirred, pulling the unfamiliar sheets up to my chin before rolling onto my side to check the time…
Easy Coffee Maker, Part 2: Chemex Coffeemaker
Autumn is my favorite season (yeah, Michelle, you and the other half of humanity), and I’ve been brainstorming ways to celebrate its arrival since the 1st of September. I know the official first day of fall was on the 22nd, but it was too close and I was too excited! It’s also upwards of 90…
Easy Coffee Maker, Part 1: French Press
After spoiling myself on coffee shop beverages, my post-college palette was too refined to accept K-Cups and pre-ground Community Coffee in my mom’s Mr. Coffee pot. I knew I had to start making my own coffee at home so I didn’t have to spend $5.00 on a good cup of coffee. How do they do…